Is there a flag to suppress email alerts for orchestrations that fail due to `abort_transformation`?

I would really like to be able to select whether ABORT_TRANSFORMATION will trigger an error. Specifically, we transmit orchestration error emails to a slack channel for Keboola related alerts. I want to see ABORT_TRANSFORMATION errors for case (1), but not case (2):

(1) A daily orchestration runs to check for exceptions in our scheduled email deliveries to our customers. We should get a slack alert if, for example, someone has entered an invalid ID when configuring a schedule.

(2) An hourly orchestration runs to check how many tasks are pending for one of our partners. If the task queue exceeds a certain length, we send them an email via Mailgun. But, I am using  ABORT_TRANSFORMATION to prevent the Mailgun app from firing up for the times when we don't have to send an email. In other words, it's a break point in the orchestration, but doesn't actually indicate a failure. Rather, it actually suggests our partner is staying on top of their work. I do not want to get a slack alert for these orchestration "failures".

What I want to be able to do is configure my orchestration in case (2) so that I get alerts for any orchestration error, EXCEPT for ABORT_TRANSFORMATION errors. Is there a flag I can use to ignore that particular error for email sends?

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